发布时间:2016-03-14 浏览次数:2281 文章来源:
值此中秋佳节之际, 我谨向大家致以良好的问候, 并祝大家合家欢乐, 万事如意!
同时, 抄录一首宋人中秋诗词与您共赏
水调歌头 中秋
明月几时有, 把酒问青天, 不知天上宫阙, 今夕是何年?
我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇, 高处不胜寒.
起舞弄清影, 何似在人间.
转珠阁, 低绮户, 照无眠.
不应有恨, 何事偏向别时圆?
人有悲欢离合, 月有阴晴圆缺, 此事古难全.
但愿人长久, 千里共婵娟.
下面乃敝人拙译, 还望赐教:
Mid-Autumn Festival
When will appear the moon in the sky I wonder?
Which year is it in the fancy palace of the moon this evening?
I intend to return with the wind yet still fear that it might be very cold there in the fancy palace.
Even there will be a dance merriment there yet it is not comparable with occasion here among earth folks!
All round my finely decorated house the moon light shines, into windows and doors, rest on the one who is sleepless.
One should be without regret during such occasion, but why things are so strange that often a good circumstance emerges at the moment when all events are near its end?
Just like the moon with crescent, cloudy, round and shiny, humans have those situations as sorrows and joys, leaving and meeting.
An invariable truth this is forever.
I wish indeed everyone be happy all the time, and let us appreciate the moon and enjoy this fine time no matter how far and near you are now.