
发布时间:2017-02-10       浏览次数:4998       文章来源:市法制办

Decision of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress on Timely Adjusting the Administrative Approval(s) Stipulated by Regulations of Shenzhen[深圳人民代表大会常务委员会关于适时调整本市行政法规设定的行政审批的决定]

Decision of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress on Timely Adjusting the Administrative Approval(s) Stipulated by Regulations of Shenzhen

Adopted at the 26th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 5th Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress on December 25, 2013

The proposal of Shenzhen municipal government on getting authorized to temporally adjust the administrative approvals stipulated by some regulations enacted by the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee was deliberated at the 25thand 26th Meetings of the Standing Committee of the 5th Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress, and the Standing Committee of the 5th Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress has decided hereby as follow:

1. In order to push the reform of administrative approval system of Shenzhen for further, promote the transformation of government functions, improve government efficiency, create the service-oriented government, the administrative approvals stipulated by regulations of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and Shenzhen as  a major city (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations of Shenzhen) shall be timely adjusted in accordance with the actual needs of the reform on administrative approval system of Shenzhen.

2. The Shenzhen municipal government shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the adjustment of the administrative approval(s) stipulated by the Regulations of Shenzhen. According to the principles of reducing approval items, simplifying the approval procedures and improving the service efficiency, the Shenzhen municipal government shall put forward the specific adjusting item(s) to the administrative approval(s) which needs/need to be suspended, or which subject(s) needs/need to be changed, or which implementation way(s) needs/need to be improved, and submit it/them to the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress for deliberation. The Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress may make decision correspondingly.

3. An administrative approval adjusted by decision shall have a trial period of two years. During the trial period, the Shenzhen municipal government shall report to the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress about the implementation of the adjusted administrative approval items. For the feasible adjustment(s) proved by the practice, the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress shall amend the relevant regulations; for the inappropriate adjustment(s), the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress shall restore the implementation of relevant regulations.

4. If an administrative approval is decided to be adjusted or be restored, the authority of making the decision shall announce to the public.

This decision shall take effect from the date of promulgation.