发布时间:2017-02-11 浏览次数:5497 文章来源:
Measures of Shenzhen Municipality on Building and House Number Plates Administration
(Promulgated by Decree No. 226 of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government on January 12, 2011)
Article 1 In order to strengthen the administration of building number plates and house number plates (hereinafter referred to as“building and house number plates”), standardize the address information of building and house number plates, and meet the needs of economic development and people's life, these measures are hereby formulated in accordance with the Regulations on Place-name Administration and relevant laws, administrative regulations, and in the light of the actual conditions of Shenzhen.
Article 2 These measures shall apply to the numbering of building and house, the use of building and house numbers, and the set-up and the maintenance of building and house number plates within the administrative area of Shenzhen municipality (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen).
The “Building number plate” in these Measures refers to an address plate indicating the number of a courtyard or a single house.
The “House number plate” in these Measures refers to an address plate indicating the number of a building in a courtyard.
Article 3 The number plate shall be set up for a house or a courtyard on either side of a road/street/alley named with the approval by the competent department in charge of place name administration.
The number plate shall be set up for any building located in a residential quarter/ business quarter/ industrial zone with a house or a courtyard number plate.
Article 4 The municipal public security organ shall be in charge of the administration of the building and house number plates of Shenzhen. The public security organs of all districts and the local police stations shall be responsible for the numbering, set-up and administration of the building and house plates in their respective administrative areas.
The government departments such as planning and land resources, housing and construction, transportation, urban management, market supervision, finance, civil affairs, etc, and the public utilities and the trade associations shall assist the public security organs in the numbering, set up and daily administration of building and house number plates within their respective responsibilities.
Each district government, sub-district office or community work station shall support the public security organs in the numbering, set up and daily administration of building and house number plates in the corresponding responsibility area.
Article 5 The principles of administrating in a unified way, facilitating the public, respecting history and maintaining stability shall be adhered in the numbering and the use of building and house numbers, and the set-up of building and house number plates.
Article 6 Building and house numbers shall be registered as legal address information by the government departments of public security, planning and land resources, civil affairs, housing and construction, market supervision, taxation, urban management, etc; and the units of post, telecom, electricity supply, fuel gas, water supply, bank, etc.
The address information of buildings provided by any construction unit that applies for surveying and mapping, shall be subject to the building and house numbers set up by the public security organ.
A building and house number plate shall be a sign board indicating the address information, which shall not be deemed to be a lawful certificate of any property rights.
Article 7 Except for the numbering sequence formed due to history facts, the building numbers shall be assigned sequentially in accordance with the trend of a road, street, or alley.
(1)For an east-west trend road, street, or alley, building numbers shall be given from east to west. Numbers of buildings on the south side of the road, street, or alley shall be odd, and the numbers of buildings on the north side shall be even.
(2)For a south-north trend road, street or alley, building numbers shall be given from south to north. Numbers of buildings on the west side of the road, street, or alley shall be odd, and the numbers of buildings on the east side shall be even.
(3) For a southwest to northeast trend road, street, or alley, building numbers shall be given from southwest to northeast. Numbers of buildings on the approximately west side of the road, street, or alley shall be odd, and the numbers of buildings on the approximately east side shall be even.
(4) For a southeast to northwest trend road,street, or alley, building numbers shall be given from southeast to northwest. Numbers of buildings on the approximately west side of the road,street, or alley shall be odd, and the numbers of buildings on the approximately east side shall be even.
(5)”Building number with branch number” shall be used for stores in the same building; and for the buildings located in a region where reserved building numbers are in short supply.
Buildings in group without urban roads shall be numbered as “area name with branch number”.
Building numbers shall be made sequentially without skipping or repeating. If the distance between two adjacent buildings exceeds four meters, or according to the actual situation of urban planning, spare building numbers shall be reserved for future use.
House number shall be made as “area name with branch number” in a zigzag way.
Article 8 The investing and construction unit or individual of any building which has been approved for construction shall, before applying for surveying and mapping, apply to local police station for building and house number for the building built with approval, and shall submit the following documents:
(1)An application form of the building and house number;
(2) Planning License of Construction Project granted by an administrative department of urban planning and land resources, legitimate and effective property right certificates or other documents approved by government agencies.
(3) General layout plan.
Article 9 The investing and construction unit or individual of any temporary building which has been approved for construction shall apply to local police station for building and house number, and shall submit the following documents:
(1) An application form of building and house number;
(2) Planning License of temporary Construction Project granted by an administrative department of urban planning and land resources;
(3) Other documents prescribed by any law, regulations, administrative rules or normative documents.
Article 10 After receiving an application, the local police station shall accept it and issues an acknowledgement of receipt if the application meets the requirements. Otherwise the local police station shall inform the applicant of all items needing to be supplemented at one time by writing a notice on the spot.
If the police station accepts the application, it shall verify the facts and finish the numbering of a building or house in the application. The local police station shall issue a notice of building or house number after being approved by the public security organ of district within 15 working days upon accepting the application.
The notice of building or house number shall specify the building or house number given by the public security organ.
Article 11 The investing construction unit or individual shall make an appointment with local police station to apply for setting up a building or house number plate by presenting the notice of building or house number within 10 working days upon completion acceptance of the building.
The police station shall report the information about setting up building or house number plate(s) to the public security organ of district within three working days upon accepting the application.
Article 12 The public security organ of district shall notice the installation unit of building and house number plates within 3 working days upon receiving the information about setting up the building or house number plate(s) reported by local police station(s). The making and installation unit of building and house number plates shall complete the task of making and installing the number plate(s) within the time limit specified in the contract, which shall not exceed 30 working days upon that the making and installation unit receives the notice.
The making and installation unit of building and house number plates shall be determined by means of public bidding according to the relevant regulations and rules of government procurement of Shenzhen.
Article 13 The following requirements shall be adhered to the installation of building and house number plates:
(1)The number plate of any building along the street shall be installed 2.1 meters above the ground at the upper right in front of front gate;
(2) The house number plates shall be installed on the both sides of the outside walls of buildings in the height between 1st floor and 2nd floor. The house number plates that should be blocked by any other building, may be installed in the height between 2nd floor and 3rd floor.
(3) Building number plates of the buildings which are located aside the same road/street or in the same residential area shall be installed at the same height;
(4) In other special circumstances, the building /house number plate shall be set up at the place assigned by the local police station in accordance with practical conditions.
The specification and pattern standards shall be put into force by the municipal public security organ subject to the approval of the Shenzhen municipal government.
Article 14 Special building and house number plates may be installed to match with the architectural styles on buildings which have been legally confirmed as the cultural relics or the excellent historical buildings, or the buildings located in an area with historical features.
The patterns of special building/house number plates shall be decided by the municipal public security organ together with the related competent department such as municipal departments of land planning and the cultural relics protection units.
Article 15 Local police station shall verify the facts and register the situation when it find that a building /house with no number plate, or a building /house number plate is damaged beyond recognition, and shall set up a new one as supplement according to practical conditions and inform the owner or superintendent of the building to maintain the building/house number plate in a proper way.
The owner or occupant of a building shall use the building/ house number plate in a proper way and keep it tidy. If any building/house number plate is found not installed, damaged, or unrecognizable, the owner shall apply to the local police station for setting up a new number plate by showing property right certificate or other certificates concerned. The superintendent or occupant may also apply for re-issuance by showing authorization or certificate of management right which is issued by the owner.
Article 16 If the style or specification of building/house number plate has been changed under approval of municipal government, all building and house number plates shall be unified replaced by public security organs. Vice versa, owners of a building may apply for re-issuance to the local police station which is responsible for the place where the building is located in.
The owner of a building shall apply to the local police station which is responsible for the place where the building sites for a building/house number cancellation due to facts, such as the demolition of a building, etc. And the public security organs may also cancel the number plate when it verifies the need of cancellation in daily work. The cancelled building/house number shall be reserved as spare numbers for future use or for historical archives.
Article 17 If a building/ house number plate shall be set up or changed when the municipal competent department, which is in charge of place name, need to name or rename a road, this competent department shall notify the municipal public security organ and related departments within 15 working days upon the date of formal announcement. The municipal public security organ and related departments shall inform the district public security organs and the district relevant administrative authorities of the road name change within three working days. While a road name is set up or a road plate is set up for a renamed road, the local police station shall set up or change building/ house number plates in time, and notify the relevant parties of the information.
Article 18 If a building/ house number is disordered, skipped over or repeated, the owner or occupant of the building may apply to the local police station for correction, while the public security organ may also make correction actively.
Article 19 In the event that a building/ house number plate has to be temporarily removed due to facade renovation, the occupant of the building shall notify the local police station and re-install the building/house number plate to the required position according to these measures within 3 days upon completion of the facade renovation.
Article 20 The public security organ shall strengthen administration of archives of building and house number plates, establish and perfect an administration information system for building and house number plates where the information may be shared with all relevant administration departments. The public security organ shall publicize information involving setting-up or changing any building/ house number, except the information which involves personal privacy according to the law and regulations.
Article 21The cost of making, installing, daily maintenance and management of the uniform building and house number plates shall be borne by the government of the district where the building is located in. The district public security organ shall apply to the district finance department for the expenditure. The cost of management of building and house number plates for which municipal public security organ is responsible shall be put into the annual budget of the municipal public security organ.
The cost of making, installing and maintenance of special building and house number plates shall be borne by owners or superintendents of buildings concerned.
The owner shall pay the cost of re-making, re-installing building and house number plate which is destroyed or lost due to the owner's poor management.
Article 22 In case such as that a building and house number plate has to be changed due to urban reconstruction, road deformation, road extension, road name change or other conditions provided in Art 18, the owner of a building may apply to the local police station for the change certification of the building /house number plate address.
In case that the change of a building /house number causes correspondently the information change of household register, real estate certificate, business license, tax registration, the owner or occupant of the building may apply to the relevant departments for modifying information, and the relevant departments shall modify information for free.
Article 23 In any one of the following cases, the public organ shall order the party concerned to correct within a time limit. If the party fails to correct within a time limit, the party as a citizen shall be imposed a fine of RMB¥100; while the party as a legal person or organization shall be imposed a fine of RMB¥500.
(1)failing to apply for building/house number plate according to Article8 and Article9 of these measures.
(2) a building/house number plate has been deliberately blocked, covered or damaged.
(3)a building/ house number has been numbered or changed without permission;
(4)a building /house number plate has been made, changed or removed without permission;
(5)failing to or impede to set up a building/house number plate on the required position;
(6)a building/house number plate has been defrauded by false documents;
(7)committing other behavior of destroying a building and house number plate.
In the case provided by section 2, section 3, section 4 or section 5 of the preceding paragraph, the concerned party shall pay the cost of demolishing or re-installing of the building/house number plate.
In the case provided by section 6 of the preceding paragraph, the building/house number plate gained by cheating should be revoked.
Anyone who, in violation of Article 19, fails to re-install the building /house number plate in the required position shall be ordered by the public security organ to correct within a time limit; and shall be punished for failing to correct within the time limit in accordance with the first paragraph of this article.
Anyone who violates any provision concerning public security administration shall be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Article 24 Any public security organ or its working personnel, or other relevant department of municipal government or its working personnel failing to perform duty or performing duty incorrectly shall be subject to the administrative liability, and any case suspected of involving a crime shall be handed over to the judicial organ for handling according to law.
Article 25 In need of public administration and actual situation, the Shenzhen municipal public security organ may set up temporary building/house number plate for any building constructed or renovated without license. And the information of a building constructed or renovated without license shall be provided by the relevant department.
As a building with temporary building/house number plate has been approved to be a normal building, a formal building/house number plate may be applied for. If a building with temporary number plate has been legally demolished, the temporary building/house number plate should be revoked.
Article 26 These Measures shall become effective on March 1st 2011.